You have ____ LOTTO available to claim.

LOTTO Claiming Instructions

See which projects are eligible to claim here:
LOTTO Project Claim List

Download Metamask for Google Chrome if you don't already have it, and load the wallet into it that you want to use to claim. Then click on "Connect Wallet" above. Once your wallet is connected, you will be able to see if you have any LOTTO available to claim. If you do, you can click the "Claim" button. Make sure you set the transaction gas high enough ("Fast" is preferred), and submit your claim transaction.
After claiming your LOTTO, add the contract to your wallet to see your tokens. in Metamask click on "Add Token", and fill in the "Token Contract Address" with the contract address listed below.
The rest of the information should autofill, and the tokens should be visible. You're all set- prepare for the first ever startGame (lottery) function to be called soon and kick off the lotteries!

LOTTO Token Contract Address:
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